30 Questions From You

With each of our channels growing in popularity, we’re now becoming more engaged with our growing community and we love that aspect of it. We love hearing from you in the comments sections and do our best to get back to everyone as soon as we can. With that in mind we thought it would be good to give a little insight into who we are and how Nature Therapy came to be. Some of these questions have come through from you online, some from friends and family wondering what this strange thing is that we’re spending all our spare time on, and some are just fun questions we’ve found on the internet.

If you have a question jump into our comments section on YouTube, hit us up on socials or email us

  1. Who inspired you to pursue the career you have today? 

    K: Some of my closest friends who have worked hard and seen success, the people I’ve worked with and a whole bunch of nameless people who have made seemingly insignificant comments that have resonated and pushed me in new directions.

    S: My mother. She told me that I was capable of achieving anything I wanted in life and to dream BIG.

  2. Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now?
    I knew a long long time ago that the corporate world wasn’t for me and I always wanted to start my own thing. My experiences around mental health made the application of my skills in this particular area enticing and I get to work with my best mate.
    S: I’ve always had a fascination with sound and music. My mother used to play music to me in the womb and I think it became part of my DNA... haha. 

  3. What are you most looking forward to in the next ten years?
    Making a difference in peoples lives with the work I do. Perhaps I’ll finish writing my book, or return to painting or have a family. Who knows, but it’s exciting to think of the possibilities.

    S: Helping people reconnect with nature. 

  4. What did you want to be when you grew up?
    An actress haha (I didn’t realise men were actors when I was 5) perhaps some day I still will be.

    S: When I was a boy I wanted to be a cocktail artist, inspired by the Tom Cruise Film. When I was a teenager I wanted to be a rock star, inspired by the Smashing Pumpkins and the Dandy Warhols (my two favorite bands).

  5. How long have you known each other?
    Since we were 14, so a couple of decades now.

    S: Since grade 7 but knew of each other a little bit before via a mutual friend who kept telling us that we should meet because we were very similar… and the rest is history.

  6. What makes you happy?
    The ocean, sunny days, time with close friends and any chance I get to be creative.

    S: Creating music and recording nature videos.

  7. What was your first job?
    My first real job would’ve been a builders labourer. I miss the physical aspects of that job now being behind the computer a lot of the time.

    S: Shelf stacker at a supermarket

  8. Where do you live?
    I live in Australia and try to travel every year or so to see Sean and other friends around the world.

    S: I split my time between Umina Beach, Australia and Glastonbury in the UK. I have a dual passport which means I can live in both countries.

  9. What’s the hardest thing about the work you do?
    The long hours sitting in front of a computer. I love what I do but long hours editing take their toll.

    S: Writing copy and distributing all our videos and tracks across all the different platforms and social media accounts. It’s the most time consuming part of the whole process.

  10. What’s the best thing about the work you do?
    The impact we’re able to have on peoples lives. The ability to build something for ourselves. Also the opportunities to have fun and be creative with what we do.

    S: Making the content we want to make and being able to help people.

  11. Your star sign?

    S: Scorpio

  12. One skill you would like to master?
    This is tough. I’ve always wanted to land a kick flip haha. I’m slowly learning piano. And singing, definitely singing.

    S: The violin or trumpet, a great instrument to play in jam sessions with other musicians because you can just chime in and play when you feel like it and take a break wherever you like.

  13. Something you would like to do before you die?
    Write a book and publish a book of poetry

    S: Win the nobel peace prize for helping people reconnect and live in harmony with nature.

  14. What is your biggest fear?
    Honestly it was always not being good enough but that’s changing. Snakes are up there too.

    S: Fear of being judged, but as I get older that that has become less of an issue but still exists.

  15. How do you like to spend your free time
    I’m pretty simple, put me near water and in the sun, good food, good book, good company and sometimes no company at all.

    S: Reading and catching up on films.

  16. Song or album that has influenced you?
    Too many to name but some are - Tool - Lateralus; Janes Addiction - Nothings Shocking; The doors - The doors; Ben Howard - Every Kingdom; Above the rim soundtrack….

    S: Smashing Pumpkins 1995 double album 'Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness’.

  17. Film that has influenced you?
    Another hard one to narrow down. Fight Club, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Inception etc etc… anything that makes you think and has great dialogue. Almost all Tarrentinos films.

    S: So many… when I was younger ‘Labyrinth’ starring David Bowie, and as I got older, ‘Inception’ with Leonardo Decaprio

  18. What was the best book or series you’ve ever read?
    One that had a huge impact and made me see the world and myself differently was The art of happiness by Howard C Cutler and the Dalai Lama.
    A great series I read recently was the Mitch Rapp series by Vince Flynn.

    S: So many… when I was younger ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill, and as an adult the ‘Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle.

  19. Anything interesting coming up in the next 12months?
    Lots happening from a business point of view. We’ve just registered our media company UNCVRmedia. We’ll also be working on a couple of projects that need to remain secret for now; more for Nature Therapy and developing an online store; hopefully make some music again and keep writing in my spare time.

    S: Yes but keeping it on the down low. I believe in a theory called the ‘Hundredth Monkey Effect’. It basically means that once an idea is put out there that it spreads very rapidly around the world and no one can really explain why exactly. I have experienced this myself a few times where I think I’ve got a new idea but strangely someone else just thought of it or did it a fews days or weeks before.

  20. Your favourite destination?
    I love SE Asia, but I’d love to get back to explore the states some more. Yosemite is one of the most breathtaking places I’ve been and the Ace Hotel in Palm Springs is calling me back.

    S: San Sebastian in Spain & Byron Bay

  21. Dream Car/s?
    I want to hire a black Mustang to drive around America on my next trip. Otherwise a simple wagon or a van for weekend trips.

    S: Old Ford pick up truck. I’m not a big car person but do prefer classic cars over modern one’s.

  22. Do you play an instrument? Which one/s?
    Guitar and drums.

    S: Yes, guitar and keyboard.

  23. One thing you used to do that you no longer do?
    Skateboard and basketball, and draw purely for the fun of it.

    S: Play Ninja Turtles.

  24. How different was your life one year ago?
    One year ago I was doing similar work for a large agency. I’m probably working much harder now and much longer hours but overall I’m happier and excited for the future I’m building.

    S: Similar but is now even better!

  25. Best advice you’ve been given?
    I was once told by a guy in an interview that he wouldn’t give me a job because it wasn’t right for me, that I’d be bored too quickly and I shouldn’t settle for anything to get a pay check. That I should chase my creative dreams and back myself. Until that point I never believed I could chase creative opportunities and be paid for it. That piece of advice and the 40minute conversation we had around it lead me to film school, then a post house, and film and TV work, design and advertising and now here. I can’t remember his name or what the company was but he had such an impact right when I needed it.

    S: Your thoughts create your reality, and own all your behaviours/emotions/feelings, even ones that aren't your fault.

  26. Where would you spend all your time if you could?
    In a place I can call home, close to nature, close to the beach. By a pool reading and writing and creating.

    S: The hinterlands of Byron Bay, I am very sensitive to noise and don’t like too many people or cars around. But I also like to be within a 20 minute drive from a town and beach. 

  27. What makes a good life?
    Humility, confidence, good food, sleep, health and connection.

    S: Spending quality time with family and friends.

  28. What do you have doubts about?
    My self worth and my ability to achieve my dreams but that is all changing. I also worry about the future and the disconnect between people, communities and nature in general.

    S: That society in general has become disconnected from nature.

  29. What irrational fear do you have?
    I have anxiety most of the time so I would say almost all my fears are irrational.

    S: Walking under scaffolding and a hammer falling on my head.

  30. What’s the best and worst thing about getting older?

    K: The best would be wisdom and the ability to understand and change old patterns. The ability to help others and pursue dreams. The worst would be the slowing metabolism and the realisation that time is limited.

    S: Best thing is getting wiser and feeling more comfortable in my own skin. The worst thing is that you realize how precious our time is on this earth and that we better spend more quality time with the people we care about.


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