7 Positive Effects Of Listening To Nature Sounds To Change Your Life!

Written By Elita Purcill

The sounds of nature have a certain cathartic effect on our bodies. The sounds of rain on the roof, a flowing river, the rhythmic sounds of the ocean against the shore. It soothes us and liberates us at the same time. 

Here are some amazing benefits of listening to nature sounds. 


1)    Improves our concentration and performance. For example, open-planned offices have experimented with playing nature sounds to help mask noise and reduce volume dynamics, which has led to increased productivity and improved overall well-being.


2)    Reduces the perception of pain. The sounds of nature can lessen a person’s perception of pain, produce endorphins, and strengthen the immune system. For many people who are forced to delay surgery of chronic health issues, the sound of nature can help provide a distraction from the pain and some natural relief.


3)    Helps us sleep better at night. Listening to relaxing nature sounds in bed at night with headphones or quality speakers helps us sleep better. It helps us release our worries and exhausting thoughts that often create anxiety. They can also drown out distracting background noises that wake us up in the middle of the night (e.g., car hours, sirens, doors slamming, etc.).


4)    It improves brain functioning. Nature sounds help our brain develop by putting us in an optimal mental state for concentration and reasoning. Consequently, improving the communication between the two brain hemispheres by making a faster connection between neurons.


5)    It triggers good moods! Nature sounds trigger the production of serotonin and dopamine the ‘feel-good’ brain chemicals. Resulting in better interpersonal relationships and overall life satisfaction.


6)    Helps you meditate. Learning to meditate is not easy. Especially if your life is non-stop busy. Sometimes when we try to find some relaxing time for meditating it does not work. One thing that can help is listening nature sounds. Just find a comfortable space, put on some headphones and let yourself go…. 


7)    Helps you prepare for exams and tests. Try it! Take advantage of the magic of nature music the next time you take an exam. They will help you to not get distracted as easily and focus for longer periods of time.


With such busy lifestyles these days and with many of us living in cities and built-up areas, it’s often difficult to get out in nature and experience the benefits first hand. However, just listening to the sounds of nature is widely considered to be almost as beneficial. If you would like to explore our collection of nature recordings then you can find them on our YouTube channel or on all major streaming platforms (e.g., Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Deezer, etc.).


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